
What Are The Most Popular Christmas Decorations In Spain When Do Most People Decorate

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Christmas traditions: Traditional Nativity Scene
Traditional Nativity Scene
It is ever interesting to get a local'southward perspective on customs and traditions. There are many Christmas traditions that are specific to Kingdom of spain or the Catalan region. I met upwardly with Natalia Perez, who was built-in and raised just outside of Barcelona to find out how Christmas and New Year are celebrated in a traditional Catalan domicile.

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When does the Christmas catamenia actually get-go in Spain?

In Espana we generally consider the Banquet of the Immaculate Conception, to be when Christmas begins.

Feast of the Immaculate Formulation: 08 December

This is the date when nosotros start to put up the Christmas decorations. In a lot of Castilian homes the nascency is i of the most important features of the decorations. It is something that all of my family enjoy edifice together. It is a scene depicting the stable in Bethlehem where the Baby Jesus is built-in. We become to the woods and detect moss for the flooring of the birth and endeavour to make it equally authentic as possible.

A selection of typical Caganers
A choice of typical Caganers

The Caganer is a characteristic of the nativity scene that you only see in Cataluña. It is a figure of a Catalan homo wearing traditional Catalan apparel. He is squatting with his trousers effectually his ankles and pooing! This may seem foreign, but it is a custom from the 18th Century. His poo is seen as a sign of good luck as it fertilizes the globe and ensures a proficient harvest for the coming year.

Can you tell me about Caga Tió?

Typical Caga Tios
Typical Caga Tios

Caga Tió likewise comes out on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Caga Tió: 08 December

It is a minor log with a smiley confront, wearing the traditional reddish Catalan hat - the Barretina. The proper noun Caga Tió means 'Poo Log'. Every day children look after the Caga Tió between the following dates:

08 December - Christmas Eve

They cover him with a blanket to make sure that he is warm and they feed him Turron every evening. This is to ensure that he is dainty and full so that he will poo out lots of treats on Christmas Eve!

On Christmas Eve, subsequently our large dinner (detailed below), dessert comes courtesy of Caga Tió. The children are given a stick with which they hit the Caga Tió. They sing a special vocal:

"Caga Tió avellanes I torró
Si no vols cagar
Et donanem un cop de pal."

This translates as:

"Caga Tió hazelnuts and turron
If you don't want to poo
We will hitting you with a stick"

The children then achieve inside the Caga Tio's blanket and find sweets and small toys. Similar to the sorts of treats that children receive in their stockings from Santa Claus.

What else happens on Christmas Eve?

Christmas Eve is a an of import day for Spanish people. This is when we enjoy one of the virtually lavish meals of the Christmas period. In general the dinner begins with a soup, known as the Carn d'Olla. This is made with a large piece of meat that is cooked in stock for hours to ensure that it is thick and rich for a soup. The meat is then removed from the soup and Galets are added. These are large pieces of pasta that look like snail shells. This is our starter.

The meat that the soup was cooked with is then eaten as part of the principal form. Most Spanish households eat this alongside various tapas dishes. These often include langoustines, jamon and eels- some of the most expensive foods. For this meal even the poorest of families splash out and buy what are considered to be the most luxurious items.

Traditional Turron
Traditional Turron

For dessert we bask the treats supplied to u.s. by the Caga Tió. Turron is popular during this period. The most traditional turron is nougat with almonds. Polvorones are also popular. These are sweets fabricated from almond paste.

Subsequently dinner we leave and meet our friends. We visit other families to wish them a Happy Christmas, frequently bringing gifts such as legs of jamon (Cured Ham). During this flow everybody drinks lots of Cava (Castilian equivalent of Champagne). Lots of families brand special instruments- the Zambomba (like a drum), Pandereta (tambourine) and Botella de Anis (a specific glass bottle with a ridged edge to slide a stick up and down). These instruments are played whilst everybody sings Christmas carols (Billancicos) and gets tipsy.

Children often take their instruments and go from door to door, singing carols and receiving coin or sweets.

What Are The Cultural Traditions On Christmas 24-hour interval?

In more recent years Spanish families have started to have Christmas trees and children receive small presents from Santa Claus. However the larger presents are notwithstanding provided by the Three Kings (see below).

A lot of the twenty-four hours is devoted to eating. In general, families consume roast turkey. Aside from this there are few set rules as to what is eaten on Christmas day. Tables are covered with various tapas, which may include dishes such as asparagus, jamon, seafood and nice salads. My Mum always makes her famous Zarzuela- a delicious seafood stew.

Before New year's Eve, what other days are important in the Spanish Christmas?

Feast of San Esteban: 26 December

This is a feast solar day that takes place only in Cataluña. We savour a family unit dinner where we eat Canneloni. Catalan people are said to be resourceful and disliking of waste material. The Canneloni is made by hand and the rolls of pasta are filled with the meat that is leftover from the meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas 24-hour interval.

Feast of Los Santos Inocentes: 28 December

This is similar to Apr Fools Day in the U.K. We play applied jokes on one another. The traditional joke is to stick a picture of the silhouette of a human onto people's backs in the hopes that they will not notice. The television and newspapers also have part in the fun. One year a newspaper printed a headline stating that the Prince of Spain had married Madonna!

What practice you ordinarily practice on New Yr's Eve and are their whatever special customs?

On New year's day's Eve, in my family unit, we always ensure that we eat lentils for lunch. Each lentil represents a coin. It is said to ensure that you will have wealth and skilful luck in the coming twelvemonth.

Unlike in other countries, going out to parties is preceded by a large dinner with the family. Just before midnight everybody turns on their televisions. Every channel broadcasts an image of the big clock in the main square in Madrid. Equally the clock chimes twelve times before midnight a grape is eaten with each chime. This is really difficult to exercise and in that location is lots of hilarity as people effort to cram grapes into their mouths. Information technology is said that if you succeed in eating all twelve grapes y'all volition have good luck for the coming year. In Cataluña Cava is e'er drunk at midnight to toast the New Year.

After dinner I mostly get out and meet up with my friends to go to confined, parties and clubs. It is tradition to wear red underwear on New year's Eve equally this is said to be good luck. It is oft given as a gift.

Feast of the Three Kings

This is an of import day in Castilian tradition. Especially for the children who have been waiting all through Christmas for the Three Kings to arrive bearing gifts.

The Iii Kings arrive in Barcelona on the evening of the 24-hour interval before the Epiphany. Epiphany is too called Iii Kings Day in Barcelona and information technology is when the children receive their presents from the Kings.

Three Kings Inflow Date: 05 January
Formal Engagement for the Banquet of Three Kings: 06 January

Therefore the celebrations of the iii kings occur on two days, though but the second date is formally referred to equally the 3 Kings Day.

3 Kings Parade in Barcelona
3 Kings Parade in Barcelona

The 3 Kings get in at Barcelona port and then there is a parade which winds it way through Barcelona heart. People dressed up as the Three Kings hand out sweets to excited children. They represent the 3 Kings in the Bible who bring gilded, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus.

3 Kings Parade in Barcelona
three Kings Parade

At home children leave their shoes by the window to be filled past the Kings. They get out out h2o for the camels that the Kings take travelled on and food for the Kings. Prior to this date children have written their letters to the Three Kings telling them whether they have been 'good' or 'bad' and what they would like for Christmas.

3 Kings Parade in Barcelona's Plaça España
iii Kings Parage in Plaça España.

Children awake to see what gifts the kings have brought on the morning of  06 January
They hope that they volition receive everything that they have requested, rather than a lump of coal for being 'bad'.

This is followed past a large family unit lunch. Dessert is e'er El Roscon de Reyes. This is a ring-shaped cake. Broiled into the cake are two objects, a small effigy of a king and a dry greenish bean. Once the cake is served, everybody checks their portion in the hopes that they have the king and don't have the bean. The person who finds the male monarch in their cake is crowned king for the 24-hour interval and wears a crown. The person who finds the bean in their slice of cake must pay for the dinner.

This mean solar day signifies the final twenty-four hour period of the Christmas period. The next day, children go back to school to show off their new toys to their friends, and for the grown-ups, the sales begin! After these Christmas decorations are taken down and the fun is over until next year.


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